Our purpose in the Lord is that of endeavoring to ignite, kindle and stir up a Godlike love of the wonders of his Word, as it is completely revealed in Jesus Christ. So our hearts desire before the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is that of seeing as many people as he makes possible, getting wholeheartedly and intimately involved in that Word for themselves, and so experiencing first hand how clean, pure and full of joy it can make us, if we truly believe. (Jh.15:11)
None of this material is, or is meant to be, complete in itself. It is intended only to get the reader involved in the Word so as to experience some of the incredible insights into God’s heart which are contained there. If you, as an individual, don’t at least read all the scripture passages named or referred to, we’d view this work as a failure in your case. We don’t want anyone just listening to us, only to our God.
TO help in this little job he has provided us with a series of tracts and bible studies to fulfill the scriptures which he has made the basis of this work. Those scriptures are as follows:
You shall be my witnesses, especially to the unsaved. (Acts 1:8)
Consider how to stir one another (fellow Christians) up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as is the (bad) habit of some, but encouraging one another (by talking of our God's complete faithfulness to his Word, especially as we've experienced it in our own lives), and all the more so as we see the day of the Lord's return approaching. (Heb.10:24-25)
Leave (the security and safety) of the ninety nine and go after those who have, for whatever reason, lost their way (Luk.15:4-7), or have been driven away. (Ecc.3:15. Rsv)
Go into the whole world! (Mark 16:15) via. The Internet!
Read our story: Our Lives our Testimony
I have known Danny & Terri for the last 25 years and in that time they have become very special people in my life and that of my family. God has given Danny a wonderful gift and he has used this to put together a great number of bible studies and booklets, but it has been limited to people that he came in direct contact with.
Now God has opened a door that will enable almost anyone in the world to access these spirit inspired works via this great website. I believe that this will be a lifeline for those who are seeking after the truth in God's word.
Danny and Terri continue to be an inspiration to my family and I as we see Christ working in their lives. Many times during different struggles in my Christian walk Danny would encourage me with one of his favourite sayings -"stop trying Mike and start trusting"- but of course we must know who to trust.
The answer to this is found in the word of God and Danny has been blessed with a gift of being able to put these truths in a form that all can understand. I encourage you to read the studies and to let God's truth take hold in your heart that you might truly know peace- the peace that only God can give. I thankyou Danny and Terri for you obedience to God and for your friendship and kindness in my life over the years and pray that God will continue to bless you both.
- Mike Cook
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on you own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3: 5-6 NKJV
I have known Danny & Terri for nearly 20 years. In that time they have led me on a truly wonderful journey into the Word of God. I can say with certainty that the most important thing to them both is their relationship with God, with his Word and with his people.
Their home and their hearts are always open to serve in obedience to God Danny & Terri will be the first ones to tell you that they of themselves are nothing special - it is God's grace in their lives that is amazing. All that they teach and share, they have first had to team and live themselves.
They have been a tremendous support to many Christians, myself especially, always directing our hearts to God himself that they may not rob him of his glory.
- Anne Round |