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Updates for March 2012 |
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Written by Danny |
Thursday, 15 March 2012 05:21 |
Australia31st March 2012The work which the Lord Jesus Christ has given Terri and I the privilege of being involved with in India and Africa through Christian Tract Outreach has continued unabated this year, though the rapid expansion of last year has slowed down due to our financial inability to fund the necessary tracts and bible studies.
In spite of this John Banda has nearly completed two months of crusades in Malawi. We wait to hopefully hear from him when he has had time to recuperate. The work was very hard due to a lack of very basic necessities, though this did not stop him and his team of over forty workers from going ahead with the outreach. There have also been a number of other outreaches in Tanzania, and even though Phillip and Kissa Mahali are still faced with the prospect of being evicted from their rental home, they have worked tireless to meet the needs. We will not go into much detail here; suffice it to say that in January they were threatened with eviction by the end of March by the property owner, but he has resisted pressure from his fellow Muslims and so is allowing them another three months to find alternative accommodation, which incidentally is proving to be very difficult. Also, Terri and I have been meeting the rental cost of $100 per month for them for the last eighteen months or so. Again in Tanzania, John Mark continues to struggle along with very little food and no money to meet the cost of necessary medications in his post cancer battles. Evangelists Mary and Daniel Pierre in Burundi have been looking to the Lord to give them another child as their first son died within days of been born. Evangelists Peter Siwale in Tanzania and George Otieno in Kenya, along with a number of others have been quiet this year so far, which is a good thing as we have been struggling to meet the need of those who are active. The work also continues slowly in several countries in West Africa. In Nigeria as we have been unable to assist for some time with the necessary outreach materials, but still the brethren in those places press on as best they can, driven by a zeal for lost souls. In Andhra Pradesh, India the Penumala family remain very active and in the three to four years since we first came into contact with them through Ephraim their work as grown from the Tenali area of the Guntur district, where they worked with 35 linked pastors initially. This has now expanded to an area with a population equal to that of all Australia and at last count the number of linked pastors has grown to 221. Their desire is to reach the whole state with a population of more than four times that number. So many doors have been opened for them by the Lord and they now have free access to many hospitals, schools and colleges, distribution tracts as they go, including on the great number of trains which pass through there. Plus, in the three months of this year alone, they have established at least three new assemblies in colonies which had previously not heard of Jesus Christ in the Prakasam district. Again, as of March, there is the potential of establish six more fellowships in remote villages of the Krishna district. Because of the urgent needs of the great number of hard working brethren for tracts in their crusades, plus the need for disciplining material for the many thousands of new believers who have been put under the care of various fellowships and assembles, and the urgent need to establish and equip new assemblies where there was nothing previously, both Terri and I have become very drained, mentally, emotionally and financially. Our hearts are so heavy at the desperate needs of so many, and so, because of extreme tiredness on our part, we have found it was necessary to take some time off, and we are very grateful to our God for allowing us to do this. We will not bother you with much detail; suffice it to say we had reached a point where a number of our closest friends, some Christian, some non-christian, were expressing genuine concern for our health, saying we were looking very, very tired. As you can see from the fact that there are no emails shown below for the latter half of this month, it was from that point that we closed up shop as it were for at least four weeks. But as this shut down has worked only partially, we may have to take it easy for some time yet. At this point we would like to express our deep gratitude to those brethren who have support this work financially, especially two of our sons, without whose generous help this whole outreach would be impossible, also those few brethren from our past who have continued with us in this great work right from the beginning, and we will never forget the faithful giving of a handful of pensioners whose devotion to overseas missions has helped and inspired us, especially in those dark, hard times when so many other brethren did not seem to care for this tract work, and even at times seemed almost to ridicule it, suggesting it was unimportant. Amazing what our God has done with what seems pointless to man. (1Cor 1:27-29) We would appreciate the prayer support of any of you who can find time to do so. Loving regards, Danny & Terri Maher:
WEST AFRICA12th March 2012, Takoradi, GhanaDear Dad & Mum, we are in the second week of March and the pastors are requesting tracts and are expecting to hear from me. We pray and hope the Lord will provide for us to continue His work. Your Son John Boateng
15th March 2012My beloved brothers in Christ, Daniel & Terri Maher, thank you so much for completing the revision work and your attachment of DISCIPLESHIP BIBLE STUDY. Many church leaders here in Tanzania have shown great interest with this study. Also I need to send some to our linked evangelists, George Otieno, Kenya, Peter Siwale, Dodoma, Tanzania, Mary Makecho (now Pierre), Burundi, John Banda, Malawi, plus John Mark, Iringa, Tanzania. These are all ready to begin classes in their nations.
My brother, the number of people who need the tracts and the bible studies is so big, and many of them want to receive both materials. So if possible, please, you can increase the FUNDS to more than $300 per week, as Lords provides. This will help me to print both BIBLE STUDYS & TRACTS. As I told you I need to open a bible school here in Mbeya. We are praying that God will provide for you. God bless you. Your servants, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
14th March 2012, Iringa, TanzaniaMy brothers Danny & Terri Maher, let me thank you for your prayer because I am continue to recover. Again I am received your assistance of $50AUD from Ps Philip. It is good to say thank you for your support. May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly and don’t forget me next time please. Bye. Your brother in troubles. JOHN MARK
8th March 2012, TanzaniaMy beloved brothers in Christ, Daniel & Terri Maher, I believe both you are fine. Let me remind you concerning funds for tracts and discipleship bible studies tomorrow. Many copies of Discipleship bible studies are needed very urgently. We are praying for you all this week in all countries where they receive your tracts, so I believe God will provide and we will receive funds tomorrow early morning as usual. The number of people who need tracts has increased twice. And many churches have shown great interest to get discipleship bible studies after showing them the studies. Through these studies I am planning to open a bible school. I wait and hear from you tomorrow. God bless you. Your servants & sons, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
5th March 2012Beloved brothers Daniel & Terri Maher, thank you so much for your email and thank you for your good information. What I know is God has connected us for his purpose and not for our purpose, so this is Divine connection. Let's continue to believe, pray and wait before him, he will make a way for you to get funds which will help us to translate. My brother, it's good to remind you concerning the funds for tracts tomorrow, and if possible the funds which will help us to print Disciples studies in english and send to Mary Makecho, John Banda, Peter Siwale and George Otieno to distributes for their brothers, God bless you. Your servants, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
INDIA14th March 2012Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind reply. I have downloaded the revision of the DISCIPLESHIP BIBLE STUDY book, and I shared this news with our linked pastors today, and all our pastors are gathering next to discuss this. Brother, thank you for your kind prayers and help with our tract ministry in my areas and we have won many souls through them. Our pastors and their assemblies are pray for you and your family and also your needs and your health. We plan to visit the TB Hospital on 16th, this Friday. So can you please send the funds for this month’s tract reprinting? Our linked pastors are asking me for them, and we really do need the Telugu tracts. So, please pray for my ministry needs and our linked assemblies. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother, Pastor Ephraim Penumala 7th March 2012, Tanuku, Andhra PradeshI greet you in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for serving the people of God, may the Lord Jesus continue to bless you. I write to introduce myself and the ministry to you. I am John Benton and am a bond servant of the Lord and directing JESUS SAVES WORLD MINISTRIES here in India to win the lost at any cost. It is after much prayer and thoughtfulness that the love of God has constrained us to send you this mail, hoping and trusting that it will find you in the best of health and rejoicing in the goodness of the Lord. I am humbled by the kind of work the Lord is using you to do as his servants and at how the Lord can connect His people. I looked at your Website and then it moved me to ask you for partnership and the right hand of fellowship. If the Lord allows you, can you come over here and be with us in a Leadership Seminar and a series of Revival Meetings we are planning for the glory of our Lord. We have published some gospel tracts in Telugu language. COME TO THE LORD, REPENT, BAPTISM, SALVATION, ETERNAL LIFE & BLESSINGS etc. are widely distributed in many parts of our State, Andhra Pradesh. We supply the gospel literature to many Evangelists, Pastors & Bible Women for door-to-door evangelism, street rallies, and Bible Study groups etc. Every day, we are receiving many requests from various Churches, Fellowships & Ministries for the Gospel tracts and other Bible study materials. God is changing lives through our Gospel tract distribution program. The wonderful testimonies which we are receiving every day will reveal the importance and effect of the Gospel literature in India. "As long as there are millions destitute of the Word of God and knowledge of Jesus Christ, it will be impossible for me to devote my time and energy to those who have both". (J L Ewen) "Why should so few hear the Gospel again and again when so many have never heard it once?" (Oswald J Smith) Every day, millions of untold people are dying without knowing about Jesus Christ. There is a great need for evangelization in India. To fulfil the Great Commission of our Lord and to evangelize the unevangelized through CHRISTIAN TRACT OUTREACH. We are going forth with the message of God's love, sometimes by bicycles and more often on foot, walking through the zigzag jungle routes, deep valley rivers and conducting street rallies, open-air evangelism, gospel tract distribution, personal evangelism, door-to-door evangelism, and making appeal to every person to accept Christ as the Lord of their lives. You cannot go to every village, but our evangelists and Outreach missionaries can go. Please send us to the unreached interior villages, on behalf of you. We also invite you to come and serve the lost along with us, on short-term missionary trip. You can really become a great tool of blessing in many lives. 5th March 2012, Guntur & Prakasam DistrictsBrothers Danny & Terri Maher, today my team and I did our tracts ministry in my areas and we win so many souls through our ministry, all these saved souls are credit in your Heavenly account, because this is because of your dedication, your co-operation and also your precious prayers for our ministry. Our linked pastors and their assemblies happily participate in our tracts ministry and they are all praying for you and your families and also your health and your needs. We pray for your eldest son’s 50th birthday, and I am sending my advance birthday wishes asking our Heavenly Father to bless your son and his family richly. 3rd March 2012, Guntur & Prakasam DistrictsBrothers Danny & Terri Maher, today we visit 3 hospitals here in my town. We preach the word of God and we pray for the patients healing and salvation. The hospital staff and patients relatives eagerly received the word of God and we distributed our Telugu tracts to them. Please pray for these patients healing and salvation. |
Last Updated on Friday, 13 April 2012 22:18 |