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Updates For April 2012 |
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Written by Danny |
Friday, 13 April 2012 22:19 |
INDIA 24th April 2012, Khammam District Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind replies. I dispatched our Telugu tracts to our linked assemblies yesterday morning and I attend the pastors meeting at Khammam district and we conducted this meeting happily. First we pray for you and your families and your needs and your health and next we plan our future tracts ministry in this district. We have won so many souls to our Lord's kingdom through our tracts ministry. Those area pastors who are participating to our programs have established some new assemblies through this ministry. They send their thanks for you and your family. And our gospel team has proposed to visit the TB Hospital next Monday, 30th of this month. Please pray for this visit. We need for your precious prayers. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
19th April 2012, Guntur District My dear brothers Danny & Terri Maher, today I attended a funeral service here for an older brother in the Lord. (80 years) He was a good believer and this is why I did not send my reply at the right time. Please pray for this family. Please pray also for the Pastors meeting at Khammam Monday. Our tracts ministry is spreading to some more towns and many villages in my state, and we are winning so many souls through our tracts ministry. In some places we have started new assemblies through this ministry. Please pray for our ministry and our linked assemblies. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor ephraim Penumala
17th April 2012, Guntur & Khammam Districts My dear brothers Danny & Terri Maher, we are all safe here by the grace of God and your prayers. Yesterday we conducted the Youth meeting, 340 youth attended and they heard the word of God, and our Heavenly Father won 25 new souls in this meeting. I am so happy and we praised to our Heavenly Father. He does His work in my areas through our tract ministry. Please forgive me my late reply as last night I attend one cottage thanks giving meeting here, so I return to my home in late hours. On 23rd of this month we will be conducting the pastors meeting in the Khammam district, please pray for this meeting. And please remember our linked pastors wanted our Revised Bible study books and we need more tracts. We pray for you and your families and also your health. Please pray for me and our ministry in my areas. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
12th April 2012, Four Districts My dear brothers Danny & Terri Maher, at my last visit to the leprosy hospital, I saw the lepers are in very terrible. We preached the word of God and we distributed our Telugu tracts, 15 persons accepted our God is their situation as their personal saviour. There is a total of 60 persons in this and they asked to me read from the Holy Bibles (Telugu) and we pray for Bibles for these lepers. In future we will start Sunday worship to this hospital. Our linked pastors also want our revised Bible Study books, we need 100 books for our 4 districts pastors, and our Telugu tracts are also most wanted, because it’s the Summer season here, so our gospel teams visits so many places, but I am with empty hand. We supply 200 tracts to each of our 200 linked pastor, that is 200X 200 tracts= 40,000 tracts which we reprint every month. Brother, please pray for the above needs and the youth meeting on Monday 16th. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
10th April 2012 My dear brother, we are sending our heartfelt thanks for your remembering of my mother's birthday. Our team and i visited the leprosy hospital, we preached the word of God and distributed our Telugu tracts to the patients and staff, and we prayed for these people’s healing and salvation. Our team proposes to restart the youth meeting on the 16th. please pray for this work. Our linked pastors and their assemblies and my family pray for you and your family and also your health and your needs. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
8th April 2012 Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind reply and for your kind prayers of our tracts ministry in India. Brother, please forgive me my late reply, I went to three remote village assemblies on Good Friday service, but they asked me ti arrange some special meetings for their three churches, our Heavenly Father is used to me to His precious ministry to these Churches, I returned to my home last night late hours. I am happy to do this as many new people attend these meetings and heard the word of God. Our Heavenly Father has won some souls through these special meetings in the past months. Please pray for this Easter Sunday special meeting in my town and our gospel team’s visit to leprosy hospital tomorrow. Our Telugu tracts are very useful to our ministry, so many are reading these tracts and have changed their lives. our God is saving these people through our tracts. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 3rd April 2012 Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, yesterday we held the Bicycle gospel rally to 6 remote villages in the Krishna district. We preached the word of God and we distributed our Telugu tracts and we prayed for the sick people to these villages. There is no good transportation and no good education to these villages, and so many families worship some goddess. We heard and saw their situation and we talked to these village elders. They happily gave permission to spread the word of God to these villages. Please pray for this work and that in the future we may be able to establish our assemblies there. And on the 9th of this month we are planning to visit the leprosy hospital here in Tenali. Please pray for our services. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
1st April 2012 Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, by the grace of God we start a new church fellowship at Fisherman's colony this day, nearly 60 people gathered and worshiped our Lord Jesus Christ. And we pray for some sick people’s healing and their salvation. Please pray for this new ministry. Tomorrow my team and I participate in a Bicycle gospel rally in some remote villages in the Krishna district. Please pray for this rally. Our reprint Telugu tracts were ready this evening, so I dispatched them to our linked pastors. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
EAST, CENTRAL & SOUTHERN AFRICA26th April 2012, Mbeya, Tanzania My beloved brother in Christ Daniel & Terri Maher, more discipleship studies book are needed as Lords provides. We are still praying for you. Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
19th April 2012, East, Central & Southern Africa Brothers Daniel & Terri Maher, I have already distributed the discipleship studies to John Banda (Malawi), George Otieno (Kenya), Mary Makecho (Burundi), Peter Siwale, John Mark and Philip, all Tanzania. Here in Mbeya, the people are very happy with these studies and I have received testimonies from all the brothers and they say people are very happy to receive these studies but they still need more. WOULD YOU PLEASE HELP AND SEND MORE FUND FOR DISCIPLESHIP STUDIES? What I say is, as Lord provides. May the Lord bless you, Philip & Kissa Mahali
16th April 2012, Malawi Brethrens, D & T MAHER, WONDERFUL, I and WE have received the discipleship studies from our best friend and Pastor Philip. Real these are good studies and I am sure they will help many people. Also we have finished missions safely and let me say thank you also for helping us to finish our missions and I will send testimonies to you very soon. I wish you all the best in God's work. John Banda (Malawi).
16th April 2012, Burundi My Dad Danny & Mom Terri, it’s good to hear from you, and thank you for remembering me in prayer. The Lord answered your prayers and now I am pregnant again. You have not heard from me because of financial problems. I don’t have my own computer so I am must go to internet cafe where I have to pay 1 AUD FOR 30 MINUTES. This is very hard for me now because life has changed and is very, very hard and we are struggling to get one meal per day and many people are dying, especially children. Dad and Mom, I am still feeling pain in my stomach and I think I need to attend clinic which wants money and i don’t have any; also, will be good for me if I can begin a small business which will help me to get food. So if possible can you help me with money for medication and for business capital (seed), remember I HAVE NEVER ASKED YOU ABOUT MONEY because you are helping us with tracts, but hear me now please. LASTRLY, I GIVE THANKS TO MY GOD, AND TO YOU ALSO FOR SENDING TO US A NEW AND WONDERFUL GIFT OF '' DISCIPLESHIP STUDIES''. I am received them yesterday from Philip. May the Lord bless you Dan ,Terri and Philip also. AMEN. Mary Pierre. 13th April 2012My beloved brothers Daniel & Terri Maher, thank you so much for remembering us again this time, I received the funds safely. Yes lets use all of this money to get Discipleship Studies and send few copies for all representatives; George Otieno (Kenya), Mary Makecho (Rwanda & Burundi), John Banda (Malawi), Peter Siwale (Zanzibar Island), John Mark (Tanzania), Philip Mahali (Tanzania) Concerning cost; yes you are right, we can get quantities printed at $3AUD each. My brothers, Africans need this teaching, and we will use all funds for these studies to the end of this year. Many African countries will get these studies and people will be transformed, especially church leaders. My brother, my advice is that, in Africa, we focus especially on the Muslims countries, and I have planed to go there and bring tracts together with discipleship studies, if you will be able to help me with transportation. I am ready and willing. Be blessed. Your sons, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
12th April 2012My beloved brothers Daniel & Terri Maher, I am greeting you again in the name above all names Jesus Christ our Saviour. How was Easter? God is so good to us all. During Easter I had an evangelism outreach through JESUS LIFE FILM and 21 peoples got saved. Let's join together with heaven to celebrate for this harvest. I am missing your emails and God bless you. Your sons, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
3rd April 2012 My beloved brothers in Christ, Daniel & Terri Maher, I decided to use all the funds you sent to print tracts for John Banda and his team in Malawi to allow them to finish their missions as they planned. I will have an Easter conference so I will need tracts on this week. All I can say is, as Lord will provide. We will wait also. God bless you. Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
WEST AFRICA24th April 2012, Ghana Dear Dad/Mum. How are you doing? Hope all is well by His grace. We are also good. Dad sorry you did not hearing from me for some days, I was invited to preach at the Methodist church in my home town in the Eastern part of Ghana (Saamang). I took some of the Twi tract with me and they were very happy, and asked if we could provide them with more. About our Easter program; it went very well, 17 women and 6 men gave their life to Christ. We hope and pray that the good God will provide you with the resources to continue this good work .It is always a good feeling to seen people being saved from the kingdom of the devil into the wonderful Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Also thanks so much for taking the trouble to send us the money from Ian. Please pray for people to help us build the Bible school and to train people for the work of God in this part of the world. Dad, Mary is asking me when we can can Skype with dad/mum. What should I tell her? Be bless; Your son John Boateng. 6th April 2012Hello Dad/Mum, we were very happy to receive the money for the tracts. It will do us so much good in helping win souls. Thanks so much for help. Did Ian contact you? He wanted you to help sent some money as we are going to buy a plot of land for our Bible school. We were thinking if he sent it to you, you will be able to sent it by Western union to me. He said he was going to contact you. Hope you can help. Son John Boateng |
Last Updated on Saturday, 28 April 2012 04:46 |