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"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God..." (John 1:1)
"He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which He is called is the Word of God." (Rev 19:13)
"...Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
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Updates for May 2012 |
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Written by Danny |
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 22:53 |
15th May 2012, England
Dear Danny & Terri, I have certainly not forgotten you! I am sorry I have not got back to you before this. Partly it is because there have been many developments in our own ministry which I could write a book about if I had the time. And partly because being retired and on a fixed income, and already committed to giving to many ministries, Peter and I realise we cannot by ourselves contribute as much as we would like towards your ministry.
The best way forward we thought was to write a piece about your ministry and how God put us in touch, and distribute it to all the chapels in our Circuit (16) which I have done. I am attaching a copy. So far I have had no response but that is not surprising as our old Shebbear Circuit and the old Bideford Circuit only came together as one Circuit in September 2011 and have much to learn about each other.
Our focus in coming together was for mission, but in order to prepare ourselves for mission we have had to spend time appointing two new Ministers to take up their posts next September, and to sell four old Manses and buy two better ones with the proceeds. God has been good and the final parts of the jigsaw are falling into place. One of our remaining two Ministers (the husband of the married couple) will only be required to pastor a few rural chapels and then be released to act as a Mission Enabler for the whole Circuit. These are exciting times.
One mission activity Peter and I have managed to get the whole Circuit involved in already is the purchase of over 2,500 New Testaments, produced as a special edition for the Queen’s Jubilee, with content added about the Queen’s own faith journey. These will be distributed to schools within the next few weeks with the help of Anglican, and Baptist Churches as well as our Methodist Churches. Children in our communities will receive them and so they will find their way into many homes. When our Circuit realises the potential for such an initiative, in our land where it is no longer true that most homes will have access to a Bible, I am still hoping to build on that experience and for the Circuit to be enthusiastic about helping your ministry.
For all the same reasons unfortunately we have not yet been able to help Pastor Celestine. Please keep in touch. Yours in Christ, Maureen Ellis
26th May 2012, Tenali
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, yesterday we conducted the Youth meeting in my town and nearly 300 youth attended. First we introduced your tracts ministry and your family to them and then our senior pastors preached the word of God. They eagerly received these good Bible messages and 25 youth (14 Girls & 11 Boys) accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. Our pastors are met with these new souls and give them some Bible references. Please pray for these new souls. These young people and our pastors prayed for two hours for you, your family and for your kind help. I am so happy to have conduct this youth meeting yesterday. Please pray for our Khammam district pastors meeting on June 1st. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
25th May 2012
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your reply and for your kind help. We will use this to print more copies of the discipleship studiers and our Telugu tracts. Ishared this good news and your help to w linked pastors and they all are so
happy because they will receive our Bible study books soon. These are very useful for Church ministry and we win some more souls to our Lord's kingdom through them, so our linked pastors are sending their thanks to you for your help to their ministries. Please pray for our youth meeting Friday 25th. We pray for you and your family and also your needs and your health. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 22nd May 2012
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, I am sending my linked pastors request for your kind notice. We supply our Telugu tracts to 200
pastors in the 4 district and our God is with their work and they win so many souls to our Lord's kingdom through the tracts, but today they have asked me to inquire of you if it would be possible for you to double the quantity of tracts from 40,000 a month to 80,000. This would mean that instead of them each receiving only 200 tracts per month they would receive 400. Brother, please pray for this need of more tracts. And also please pray for the Youth meeting on 25th of this month. We pray for you and your families and also your needs and your health. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother, Pastor Ephraim Penumala 21st May 2012, Tenali, Guntur District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, we visited the TB hospital on Saturday 19th. The patients and staff requested to me to conduct a Sunday service there every week, and I am very happy to hear this good news. These souls were won to our Lord's kingdom through your tracts. So yesterday some of our brethren visit the hospital with me and we conducted the service. The patients and the staff participated in this holy service. Please pray for the ministry there. Our gospel team has proposed to conduct a youth meeting in my town on Friday 25th, so please pray for this and for our tract ministry in my 4 districts. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
14th May 2012, Krishna District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, on Saturday the 12th I attend the Krishna district pastors meeting and our 4 linked districts pastors attended also. We first prayed for our ministry and for you and your families and also your needs and your health. Next we discussed our tracts ministries future programs to their districts. We have spread the word of God and won so many souls to our Lord's kingdom through our Telugu tracts, so we are all sending our thanks for your kind help and your good encouragement of our tract ministry. Today I am dispatching 40,000 Telugu tracts to our linked assemblies, and I also have 100 Xerox copies of your discipleship Bible study books, but we need at least another 100 of these for the rest of our linked pastors. Please pray for this need and our ministry activities. Our gospel team is proposing to visit the TB hospital on Saturday 19th to serve the needs of the saved souls there and to minister to other patients and staff who are ready to come to our Lord's feets. Please pray for this visit. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 10th May 2012, Tanuku, West Godavari District
Dear Beloved Dad and Mom in Christ, grace and blessings of God from above be to you and your household and all the brethren who are supporting your Ministry. Greetings to you in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ from your humble Indian son John Benton and team as well as the children of the home; I have returned from the outdoor camp today after 3 weeks. I prayerfully thank you for sharing our burdens and praying for us. I and all the brethren here in our ministry are grateful for your valuable prayers and we value them ever so much. I visited several brethren of different churches in the remote and rusty tribal areas. I will attach some photos and progress report of our visitation and the work done there in the next mail.
Regarding Bro. Mike Smith, we are most interested to have him with us and prayerfully anticipating his participation in our various ministries. Please ask him to contact me for further ministerial information. I would like to communicate him and inform him of the ministry updates on what is going on here and what God Almighty is doing in our services. Please give our Christian love and sincere prayers to all the brothers and sisters there in Australia and especially to our dear Brother Mike Smith. We will remember you all in our daily prayers. I look forward to hear from you. Your son in the Lord's service, BISHOP JOHN BENTON, Director, JESUS SAVES WORLD MINISTRIES 8th May 2012, Godavari District
Dearly beloved brother and sister Danny and Terri in the Lord, greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; I am Rev. N. Suresh Paul, pastoring the Full Gospel Church in Borrampalem, a small town in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, South India, for the past 10 years. Every year, we conduct Gospel Meetings in this place for the purpose of spreading the Word of God to the people of this area. There are 20 hamlets around this place.
We are praying and planning to conduct a 3 day Grace and Truth Full Gospel Meetings in May 16, 17 & 18-2012. It is a big Crusade and we can proclaim Christ’s Gospel to almost 5 thousand souls in these three days. Bishop John Benton is our regular speaker at these meetings for the last 5 years. He is a revival speaker and anointed servant of God. He told me about you and your kindness as well as your wonderful work in the vineyard of God. Lot of thanks brothers and sisters for your faithfulness and mercifulness! God bless you greatly. Brother, the estimated cost of the upcoming meetings is $900 Dollars. When I asked Bishop John Benton for some help to these meetings he told me about your goodness and gave me your email and asked me to write you for your kind help for the sake of God. We are seeking for the miracles of God in the lives of many people in these three days of meetings. We are expecting thousands of people from different villages and remote places. I humbly request you pray for these meetings and help me to start our work as early as possible. Your brother in Christ, Rev. N. Suresh Paul, Pastor of Full Gospel Church, M. R. C. Colony, Borrampalem 534447, W. G. Dt. (A.P), S. India 7th May 2012, Khammam District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind reply. On Saturday the 5th we visited the Three Tribal colonies, and they requested me to please stay and conducted the Sunday worship meeting with them. The new souls gathered from the Three colonies; 75 members; and I happily conducted the Holy Sunday service. The tribal people are very eager to receive the Lord's words. They are praying for you and your family and also your health and your needs. Now I have returned to my home and I am passing this information for your kind notice. On Saturday the 12th the Krishna district pastors are meeting and they have invited me to join them. Please pray for this meeting. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
4th May 2012, Andhra Pradesh
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind reply and for your information of our brother evangelist Mike Smith's proposed visit to my area of India. Here the ministry situation is so hard because some anti-Christianity Hindu groups groups are causing problems for foreign Missionaries. What is happening is that these Missionaries are converting many Hindus to Christianity. This is the main cause of the problems. My Government also supports these Hindu groups. I including some information about recent situations;
1. Last month the state of Orissa was visited by some Canadian Missionaries, one of whom was kidnapped by the Hindu groups and after 10 days he released, but our Christian ministry has stopped to that area. 2. And last week in Karnataka state, in the city is Bangalore, these Hindu groups complaint to the police about some local pastors. these were converting Hindu & Muslim people to Christianity. The police is arrested and filed cases against those pastors. Brother, we fear to invite Bro, Evangelist Mike Smith here. We will pray that the above situations will change as soon as possible, and we will let you when this happens. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 1st May 2012, Guntur & Prakasam Districts
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind replies, and I read your first letter about our sister, Evangelist Mary Makecho's bad situation, and I shared this with our linked pastors. They and their assemblies are praying for sister her. Our Heavenly Father hears our prayers and He will clear her problems. Yesterday we visited the TB Hospital and 25 patients accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Also 4 staff members have come to our Lord's feet. Our tracts ministry is winning these souls to our Lord's kingdom. Please pray for the remaining 85 TB patients salvation. Our gospel team is proposing to visit the Tribal colonies on Saturday 5th. The Tribal people have invited us, so please pray for this visit. Here, our linked pastors and their assemblies and my family are praying for you and your family and also your needs and your health. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother, Pastor Ephraim Penumala
12th May 2012
Dear Dad/Mum, I have just finished meeting with pastor Thomas and his elders from Axim. We have been supporting them with tract, and they are having a Gospel crusade from 16th to 20th and will need our tracts. I know the work he is doing and I pray we get founds to support him. Hoping to hear from you, blessing, son John Boateng
8th May 2012, Ghana
Dear Dad/Mum. Just got home from preaching appointment, it went very well and in the three days we had 25people given their life to Christ and had join the church. I came home to meet a 14 year old girl named Ruth who has been disown by her parent for coming to my Church and accepting Jesus. Please pray for me because I can’t send this girl anywhere and she needs to be taken care of and provide for. I believe the Lord will help us. Once again, thank you so much for your help in providing the funds for the tracts, indeed they help in us in winning the 25 people for Christ this week. Dad, more and more people are showing interest in the tracts and I have another pastor who has make a request for them, and I will be grateful if we could help them. Be blessed. Your son John Boateng
7th May 2012, Oyo State, Nigeria
Dear beloved in Christ, holy greetings to you and your glorious ministry. I want to thank you for your prayers and wonderful help you have rendered to us in the past. I still don’t know how to thank you, but our prayer is that the good Lord will reward you abundantly, amen.
Beloved, we have been able to reach many villages and remote areas with the good-news, and also we have made so many house to house, prison yards and hospitals visitations and the Lord has been so faithful touching and transforming lives. One of our neighbouring churches gave us a big box of Pilgrims tracts with thousands of copies which we have been using. We have distributed them and many lives has been touched, praise the Lord. But many of the new converts and other believers are without bibles and they have requested assistance with this. There are 250 brothers and sisters altogether without bibles. Right now is like we are at a cross road; that is why I turn to you for help. Beloved I want these beloved ones to stay closer to the Lord and I believe they can better achieve this if they have their own bibles. Please, for Christ sake, send us 250 bibles to give out to these brethren. I pray that the good Lord will bless you abundantly. Thanks, yours in Christ, Ify Obi EAST, CENTRAL & SOUTHERN AFRICA
25th May 2012, Mbeya, Tanzania
My Dad/Mom, thank you again for your financial assistance which is for tracts and discipleship studies, I received this safely today. Really, you are so good to me and to my fellow African brothers. God bless and protect you day and night. AMEN.
Pastor Philip & Kissa Mahali
24th May 2012, Tanzania & Outside
My Dad & Mom, I thank God because all of us we are spiritual and physical fit. I am continuing to receive many, many requests
from inside and outside of Tanzania from people who need TRACTS and DISCIPLESHIP STUDIES. Other requests are from students fellowships and preachers/pastors who have already started crusades/missions. Please I need your help and will be good if will receive more than the usual amount this week, but only as the Lord provides you, and according to the needs of other peoples. Thanks. Ps. Phillip & Kissa Mahal 23rd May 2012, Malawi
brothers Danny & Terri Maher, it's good to thank you for sending to us discipleship studies again. I received them on Saturday without any problems. God
23rd May 2012, Kenya/Uganda
My beloved brethrens Danny & Terri Maher, greetings from Uganda! Before I forget, thank you so much for discipleship studies, I received them on Sunday in very good condition. My brother, I want to inform you that on Monday next week I will have open air crusades and church leadership training for one month in two different villages, so I am asking a favour of you that I may receive tracts for open air crusades and discipleship studies for the church leaders. May the Lord bless and protect you. Amen. George Otieno
17th May 2012, Mbeya, Tanzania
My Dad & Mom,thank you so much for your encouraged and inspired email to me, and thank you also for your prayer because now I am totally healed although I don’t much strength in my body but it is coming back after getting enough food (balance
diet) but I am healed. We are still praying that may the Lord may bless and provide you financially to help us this week if possible to print tracts and discipleship studies. I believe ALL is possible before the Lord. God bless you too. Your son, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali 16th May 2012, Kenya/Uganda
My brethren D & T Maher, I am received again discipleship studies on Saturday last week from Evangelist Ezekiel who sent them to me on behalf of Pastor Philip who is sick. I have already distributed them to the pastors because we have already started a class here in Uganda. Really, church leaders they are very, very happy. Thank you again for the wonderful gift. Let's pray for my Pastor Philip who is a real good overseer. Stay in peace. George Otieno
10th May 2012, Mbeya, Tanzania
Dear brethren, this morning we received an appeal for assistance from Pastor Phillip Mahali in Mbeya, Tanzania, and we have attached some relevant extracts from that mail above. Obviously the conditions are desperate there, and when our brother, Ian Trail, from TRAIL BLAZERS visited with Phillip some months ago he was appalled by the poverty he saw, so we can assure you this is a genuine appeal.
If any of you know of organizations or churches which may be able to assist in this, because it is too big for any individual, please, please get them to contact us for details. Thank you in advance for any assistance you may be able to give in this matter, and thank you also for your prayers.
Loving regards in the Master
Danny & Terri Maher
10th May 2012, Mbeya, Tanzania
My beloved brothers in Christ, Daniel & Terri Maher, by God's grace we are fine, I believe the same to you both. My brother I have something to share with you, there are so many street children/orphans and poor peoples here in Mbeya city and Tanzania generally, who are walking naked and without shoes in streets, and widows dying because of hard life, also ladies engaged in harlots/prostitutes in order to get money. If you know any people; individuals, families, churches, institutions or Christian organizations who would be able/willing to donate or assist with clothes, blankets and shoes for street children/orphans, sewing and knitting machines for widows and ladies please tell them to do that. Every day when I saw this people my tears are dropping down. Please help me by telling others about this visions which God puts in my heart. Lastly, let me remind you concerning funds for discipleship studies tomorrow, IF LORDS HAS PROVIDES. May the Lord bless you. Your sons, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali
7th May 2012, Burundi
My beloved brother in Christ, Daniel & Terri Maher, greetings in Jesus name our Saviour. Thank you so much for your kindness, always you are so good to me and for my fellow brothers. Concerning Mary and a place to stay; my brother, yes there is a Christians there and also there is a Christian group which is working with Mary for many days now to distribute tracts and discipleship studies with Mary as leader. My brothers, I am in very close contact with Mary and her team all this week concerning her situation. It's true that Christians and other church leaders have houses, but they feared to invite Mary in their houses because Daniel is stopping everyone from inviting her. But I thank God yesterday I got in contact with Daniel and Mary's former pastor and I spoke with him and he agreed with me to invite Mary to stay in his house, So now she is safe. But still we need to have a future plan to help her to get her own house. May the Lord bless you; your sons, Ps Philip & Kissa Mahali |
Last Updated on Friday, 01 June 2012 23:31 |