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Updates for July 2012 |
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Written by Danny |
Monday, 16 July 2012 06:16 |
AUSTRALIA 31th July 2012 The work in all areas continues to progress rapidly, including in Africa, despite the fact that our representative for the whole of Eastern Africa, Pastor Phillip Mahali, was suffering with severe eye problems which needed hospitalization and surgery. Plus, in Ghana, West Africa, the wife of Pastor John Boateng, our representative for much of that area, was also hospitalized. We praise God they are recovering, but please pray for them and their families.
26th July 2012, Andhra Pradesh Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind help with funds. I used this amount to reprint of our Telugu tracts and on Saturday 28th I distribute our tracts to our linked pastors equally. It is good to hear that our Heavenly Father heard our prayers and He did a miracle with our brother’s eye surgery and He cleared our sister's medical problem. I passed this news to our linked pastors; we all praise God for His Miracles. Please pray for the youth meeting on Tuesday 31st. We pray for you and your families and also your health and your needs, and we pray for your donors. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
25th July 2012, Tenali Area Brothers Danny & Terri Maher please forgive me my late reply, but for the last 4 days I was sick with fever and body pains. Yesterday our team and I visited the local general hospital. We saw all patients and we preached the word of God and prayed for their healing. Then we visited the leprosy ward and saw the leper’s situation. 25 of these patients are believers. We preached the word of God and we pray for them and their families. We had no stock of our Telugu tracts to distribute on this visit and we feel very sad when we visit with empty hands. We pray, waiting for your kind help to reprint our tracts. Our team is proposing to conduct a youth meeting on Tuesday 31st. Please pray for this meeting. We pray for you and your families and also your needs and your health. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 19th July 2012, Prakasam District Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, I understand your present situation and we pray for our brother, Pastor Phillip Mahali’s eye surgery, and also we pray for our brother, Pastor John Boateng's wife’s healing. Our Heavenly Father is with us and will do Miracles for above brother eye surgery and our sister healing. Yesterday I attended the Prakasam district pastors meeting and have just returned home. I saw your information and I feel very sad. Our team is planning to visit my district general hospital on Tuesday 24th. We pray for you and your family and also your health and your needs. And we pray for your supporting donors. Please pray for me and our Tracts ministry in my areas. God Bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 14th July 2012, Prakasam District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, yesterday we visit the TB hospital and we preached the word of God and prayed for these patients and the staff of this hospital. We distributed our Telugu tracts to outpatients and some new patients. And our team members are conducting Sunday service ever week. We are very happy for this visit. Our linked Prakasam district pastors have informed me to join them as they are conducting a pastors meeting on 18th. So, please pray for this pastor’s meet. Today my government issued to me some of my new identification cards. I applied 7 months back for new cards when my old ones were stolen. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
9th July 2012, Krishna District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, we conducted the door to door ministry on 5th to 7th, Thursday to Saturday in 4 remote villages the Krishna district. These villages people are very poor and some have not known our God and Jesus Christ. There is no good transportation so we stayed th 3 days in that villages. We visited to door to door, we preached the word of God, we prayed for the sick people, we distributed our Telugu tracts to these people and night times we conducted open meetings. Our Heavenly Father was with us and He helped to us and saved 20 souls through our tracts ministry. I am very happy to do this ministry in these villages. I returned to my home yesterday and I participated in our own Sunday service, and just now I am free I am sending this information for your kind notice. And, Brother, I and my linked pastors are very happy to have our brother, evangelist Mike Smith visit our country. Our team is proposing to visit to TB hospital this Friday again. Please pray forour ministry in my areas. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
3rd July 2012, Krishna District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, our linked pastors discussed and changed the Krishna district two day door to door ministry to three days, 5th to 7th, Thursday to Saturday this week During these three days we will visit 4 remote villages. In day time we will visit to door to door and at night we will conduct meetings. So, please pray for these changes and our tracts ministry to these villages. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
26th July 2012, Mbeya, Tanzania My Mom & Dad, I don’t know what I can say to show the joy which I have in my heart for what you have done to me. Let me thank God, you and Terri and all your supporters. Now I am home in Mbeya, and my eyes are in good condition, although it will take one to two month to recover and for all this period I will be need to stay at home and rest. Lastly, I have seen many emails from the people who need literature, included Joseph. Remember, we didn’t supply him last week, so I suggest we help him on Thursday, as the Lord provides, God bless you. Pastors Philip & Kissa Mahali
23rd July 2012, Somalia, Horn of Africa Thank you so much for your assistance with literature which we received last week on Saturday from bro Philip. I haven’t heard anything from him this week and I don’t know what is happening with him. But we thank God for all he is doing in our missions as many people have come to Jesus. Please, we really need assistance with literature. Stay safe, in Jesus name our Saviour. Joseph Mujahidin WEST AFRICA
30th July 2012, Ibadan, Nigeria Dear brethren in the Lord Jesus Christ, all thanks and praise be to our eternal Father who loves us daily in Jesus name.
21st July 2012, Ghana Dear Dad/Mom, just want to say thank you and also let you know Mary is at home now and we are very happy. I had problem with my pc yesterday which is why I couldn't send you an email when we got home. Once again, we thank you so much for your help. But how is Phillip doing? I wish I could go there to see him. Extend our greetings to him. God bless. John & Mary Boateng
19th July 2012, Ibadan, Nigeria Dear brother in the Lord, God bless you afresh in Jesus name. How are you, how is the ministry going on, and how are your families and co workers? I hope all is well. We all are well and happy here and rejoicing in the Lord. Thanks for the 250 bibles and we have finished the distributing of them. All those who received the bibles are very happily thanking and praising the Lord. In fact there is joy unspeakable over here as people received the bibles. Some received them with tears of joy. Brother we don't know how to thank you all for this wonderful help you have rendered to us, but we pray that the good Lord will bless you all in abundance, in Jesus name. Some brought a letter of thanks which I am going to post to you next week. Brother I will stop here till I hear from you. Thanks. Ify and our fellow co workers in the Lord 14th July 2012, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Dear Danny & Terri, God bless you a billion times daily. How are you and how is the ministry going over there hoped? I am very happy to write you this day as we have received the 250 fine bibles from the Christian bookshop man in good condition. We have not finished the distribution of the bibles yet but there is joy unspeakable over here as some people among those who have received the bibles, and with great joy we are thanking the Lord and the ministry that send them. I don't know how to thank you, but from the bottom of my heart I say thank you very much and may the Lord bless you and keep you, increasing you strengthening you, and opening fresh doors of blessings for you all in Jesus name, amen. As soon as we have finished distributing the bibles I will let you know. I would think next week. I will also send the pictures as I promised, by Gods grace. Thanks again, Ify Obi
10th July 2012, Northern Ghana
Dear Dad, we have printed 32,000 copies of Hausa tracts and they have been sent to Pastor Awudu in Northern Ghana. We want to say thanks very much for this support. Your sons, John & Mary Boateng
7th July 2012, Oyo State, Nigeria
Dear brother in the Lord, God bless you afresh in Jesus name, this has been our prayers toward you all. We are well also, but just yesterday 3 of our evangelistic members were attacked by some Muslims as doing the Lords work. They were wounded, but are they are alive and in hospital. Please, we need your prayers and encouragement and also, please do not forget about the bibles. Needy souls are hungry for God precious word. Thanks. Ify Obi
Last Updated on Friday, 03 August 2012 01:52 |