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"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God..." (John 1:1)
"He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which He is called is the Word of God." (Rev 19:13)
"...Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
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Updates for August 2012 |
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Written by Danny |
Friday, 31 August 2012 06:58 |
31st Aug 2012
15th Aug 2012, Yangon, Myanmar
Dear Brother Daniel, it's been a while since we have had contact with each other. You, Terri and your ministries around the world are always in our daily thoughts and prayers. I just want to share the news that I will be coming to Australia next week and staying for nearly 3 months to study. I will be staying at Australian Lutheran College in Adelaide, South Australia and after I finish with my studies, will visit Victoria and probably Queensland too. I would like to talk to you and visit, if we both have the time. But even if it doesn't work out, I would like to talk to you over the phone. Please let me know of your contact address and phone etc. so that I may be able to contact you while I am there.
Thank you once again for assisting our mission agency with your tracts. They are indeed very effective and helpful for the non-believers and believers as well. We've been only printing small booklets which are good, but a lot of people don't want to read booklet nowadays. They just want to read small tracts or booklets with not too many pages which are easy to eat up and digest quickly. We need a lot of tracts like yours for our literature distributors and there is a demand for more and more tracts for our mission work around the world.
Our 20 distributors just finish giving out 100,000 tracts over 3 months. We have also about 50 literature distributors who are working around the country as missionaries, evangelists, and pastors. We would like to work more with you for printing your tracts for the benefit of the people in Myanmar. I will look forward to hear from you soon. In Christ, Rev. Martin Lalthangliana, Director, Gospel Outreach Mission, 247 Bogyoke Street, Yangon
No Date, Kalaymyo, Myanmar
Dear Danny: Warm Christian Greetings from Myanmar (Burma)!! My name is Rev. Go Lian Pau, a mission Director of Myanmar
Inland Missions. Our Ministry is a not-for-profit outreach ministry, engaged in Bible teaching, evangelism, leadership training and tract distribution among the believers and unbelievers alike within Myanmar. Our purpose is to reach the unreached people in Myanmar, and lead them to Christ by giving out tracts, booklets and bibles, teaching the Bible through personal, small group and conference ministries and translating and printing of Christian Literature. We are committed to making this a proactive part of the effort to reach people for Christ. We are in quest of partners from abroad who are mission-minded, share our visions and work with us. We are having our ministry among the least evangelized people and most remote area in our country. We do evangelism, bible counselling among the believers and unbelievers alike, and printing Christian literature and bible curriculum for many different denominations, which we can afford with the gifts that we received from our partners and donations from generous people.
We would like to invite you to take part in our educational support for theneedy, relief and development for the poor, missionary support and leadership training, building up library and Christian literature centre, evangelism and Orphanage ministry with (20) orphans projects that we are undertaking in our field ministry areas i.e. in Kalaymyo Valley in Sagaing Division. As Myanmar is forbidden to western missionaries, we have to rely on the national pastors for reaching the people for Christ and need training and support for them.
If you need any partner in Myanmar (Burma), we are ready to work with you as your co-worker. We also welcome you to visit our country and explore for possible mission expansion. I want you to know that the harvest is plentiful in
Myanmar for active mission work. Please take this opportunity and pray for us. We believe and hope that God will lead us to more special ways. Please join us in your prayer for the ministry projects that we are undertaking in our field ministry areas. Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation to work together for the extension of God's kingdom among the Buddhists in Myanmar.
I look forward to hearing you again. In the Lord's Service, Rev. Go Lian Pau, Founder & Director Myanmar Inland Missions, Pinlong 8/C-49, Myothit Qrt, Kalaymyo, Sagaing Div., MYANMAR
27thAug 2012, Prakasam District
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, on Saturday 25th I attend the Sisters meeting at Prakasam district. I was very happy to participate in this meeting, I saw nearly 40 old women attend and I meet them a heard their testimonies, they told me that your Telugu gospel tracts have changed my lives, and of how believed inour Lord Jesus Christ and accepted him as their personal Saviour. I also meet some other former Hindu and Muslimladies in this meeting and they shared their testimonies with me. Please pray for these sisters and their future life. On Friday 31st we plan to visit the TB Hospital. We do this once a month andour brothers conduct a Sunday services there every week. Please pray for this visit and the TB patients healing and their family’s salvation. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
23rd Aug 2012,
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your reply and for your encouragement of our tracts ministries in my areas. By the grace of God we spread the word of God to many villages and towns in my state and we win some more souls through our tracts. Mainly we selected Hindu and Muslim locations and we distributed our Telugu tracts door to door. In this way our Heavenly Father is working in people’s hearts through our Telugu tracts. When they read them, they know the real God is Jesus Christ. Some Muslims and Hindus have changed their lives and come to our Lord's feets. Please pray for the 3 Muslims villages we visited last Saturday. I hope we can visit them again soon and win some more souls. On Saturday 25th our Prakasam district pastors are planning to conduct the Sisters meeting, so, they have invited me. Please pray for this meeting. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala
20th Aug 2012, Andhra Pradesh
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, I read your letter, I wept and pray for our dear brother pastor, John Mark’s, present situation. And in my Saturday visiting program we also faced problems with these Muslim brothers. We visited 3 villages door to door and these areas are strong Muslims areas these who attacked me at first but our believer Muslim brother is with me, and he explained tour visits and his family’s
changes to them. T first for 2 hours they did not allow to their area. But by the grace of God we shared our ministry and we distributed our Telugu tracts in these 3 Muslims and Hindus villages. And that night we conducted a thanksgiving meeting to our brother's home, nearly 90 people attend this meeting they heard the word of God. After prayer 40 persons come to meet me, and they told of their problems and they wanted our prayers. Our gospel team is very happy and we praised God. Our Heavenly Father is opening His doors to these villages, so, we hope in future our God will save many people through our tracts ministry. Please pray for these people’s salvation. On Saturday we distributed 10,000 tracts and today 30,000. God bless you richly. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 17th Aug 2012, Andhra Pradesh,
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, thank you for your kind help of funds. I draw this amount and I met our printing press owner and I pay this amount and ordered 40,000 tracts. I requested him to have 10,000 tracts to me tomorrow morning, and the remaining 30,000 for Sunday night. I will use the 10,000 for distribution in Muslim villages. Please pray for this outreach, because this is very dangerous work. Muslims hate our Lord's words, but by the grace of God, our Heavenly Father has opened doors one of these villages. Please pray for our door to door ministry and night thanks giving meeting. Here, our linked pastors and their assemblies and my family pray for you and your families and also your needs and your health. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother, Pastor Ephraim Penumala
17th Aug 2012, Andhra Pradesh
Dear Brother and Sister, greetings in Jesus name. Glad to hear from you. I know that you don’t have money to send me, and I know that you don’t have money to come to India. But I know what I can get from you is your prayers and your love for us. We have never met you but we are one inChrist. I need your prayers so that all the problems we have will leave us. Pray for the blessing of God on us. Pray this Ministry will grow. We bless you in Jesus name.
We are glad to know about your friend coming to India in the month of November. We will be happy to have him here with us so he can teach and preach in Conference and Crusades. Please let him contact us. If it is God will we will meet him. Yours in Christ, Pastor Thomas Sadhu
15th Aug 2012,
Brothers Danny & Terri Maher, yes brother, we really need our Telugu tracts here. Today our gospel team gathered at my home and we were in prayer from 10 A.M to 3 P. M (now my time is 9 A.M). We pray for you and your families and also your ministry and mainly we pray for your health and for your donors. These are the main issues and we also prayed for our tracts ministries future programs. On Saturday 18th we plan to visit one Muslim village and our team will go to door to door and we will preach the word of God and we distributed our tracts and pray for
the sick and needy people during the day. Then at night we will conduct a thanksgiving prayer meeting in one saved Muslim family’s home in that village. I hope many will come and heard the word of God and our Heavenly Father will saved many more Muslims in this meeting. Please pray for us. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 10th Aug 2012,
Danny & Terri Maher, I understand for your computer problem! This month, on the 15th is my country independence day. Every year on this day our gospel team distributed our TELUGU tracts to many educational centres in my area, so our gospel team is proposing to distribute our tracts on Wednesday next week. Please pray for this program. We hope we win many youth to our Lord's kingdom through our Telugu tracts, but I am with empty hands (no stock). Tomorrow I hope to attend the Khammam district pastors meeting. We pray for you and your families and also your needs and your health. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Pastor Ephraim Penumala 1st Aug 2012, Andhra Pradesh
Brothers Danny &
Terri Maher, yesterday we conducted a youth meeting in one remote village of my area. So many uneducated youth attended this meeting and they eagerly received our Lord's words. 25 youth accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. I am so happy to see the youth change in this meeting. They shared their testimonies and the village elders are come also and appreciated our tracts ministry and they give full permission to spread the word of God in their villages through our tracts. Our Lord is with us helps us and He saved these youth. We praised to God and sending my thanks for you and your family. Our team is proposing to conduct Trains tracts distribution on Monday, 6th Aug. Please pray for this trains ministry in my areas. Brother Michael Smith sent his photo to me by e-mail, when I saw it I was very happy because he is a spiritual man. Here we pray for you and your families and also your health and your needs. God bless you richly. Thanking you brother. Yours, Pastor Ephraim Penumala WEST AFRICA
28th Aug 2012, Takoradi, Ghana
Dad/ Mom, thanks very much for you
encouragement, it is always good to receive encouragement from you. You may not know how much strength it give me and Mary and it also keep us going in our calling; we are grateful. Daddy, please pray that a doctor I asked to help with our clinic will come and see what they can do to help us. Please continue to pray for us that the Master will touch his heart to help. My fellowship is going to have 3 days of an evangelism program from 7th to 9th Sept with an American missionary and lecturer at the Ramah bible collage Ghana, plus a friend, Rev. Shille Sisk. Can you assist us with Twi tract for this program? I believe they will help us so much. I pray that God provide you with founds to help us. God bless. John & Mary Boateng 24th Aus 2012, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
I am a Christian from Nigeria and I need some tracts, like the ones on worldliness, false teachers, false prophets and the second coming of our Lord Jesus christ. If it pleases you to grant my request, could you send them via this mail box.1052 port Harcourt, Nigeria. l look forward to hearing from you. Nwogu Azubuike Richard. 15th Aug 2012, Ibadan, Nigeria
BOX 002094, IBADAN, OYO STATE, NIGERIA 23402 Dear power in the pews ministry, the grace and peace of our lord Jesus Christ
be with you all. I praise and thank our heavenly Father for what your ministry is doing around the world. Your reward will be in billion folds amen! I am an evangelist from the above ministry we evangelizes in prison yards, market places, hospitals and house to house, sharing the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ and many have given their lives to Christ. I got your information through the internet and I have been using your CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIP message to teach. Beloved, we need your help with booklets, tracts and 250 complete bibles to give out to new converts. Thanks. Yours in him, Pastor Celestine 11th Aug 2012, Ibadan, Nigeria
Dear pastor, may the
peace of Christ be with you all. Today I am the happiest person on earth because I have completely decided to follow Jesus. I had almost gone back to my old life because I lacked a bible to read or take to prayer meetings, but today I am filled with joy because of the bible you send through brother Ify Obi. I have been reading my bible every day and I am gaining peace with God and I go church regularly and participate in the activities. I am also telling others about Christ’s saving grace. I requested your email address because I wanted to thank you for the bible. Thank you for not allowing me to go astray after I had given my life to Christ. Thanks. Mary Jude 10th Aug 2012, Ibadan, Nigeria
Dear brother in the Lord, I Greet you in Jesus wonderful and
precious name. i cannot express the great joy in me because of the complete bible you sent to me through brother Ify Obi. Brother, with all my heart I am saying thank you very, very much. And may God bless you and your ministry. Thanks. Jonny Ibafun EAST, CENTRAL, SOUTHERN
& NORTHERN AFRICA 28th Aug 2012, Dar es Salem, Tanzania
My Mom & Dad, by
God's grace I am already in Dar-Es-Salaam since yesterday night and I have met with my doctor today and also I need to meet with him again tomorrow for more check-up and on Thursday I will be on the way to Mbeya. The good news is that right now I am here in the internet cafe with our sister, Grace Kalaghe. We talked for two hours. She has a great and wonderful testimony of salvation. I am thankful also because I met with the Christian lady named Joyce, who has Grace living with her. Grace’s father stoped
her continue with her secondary education. He also burned her clothes, shoes and all her things. She has an heavy burden to serve God and she needs to go in bible school in order to learn more about Jesus and Christianity so she can go back in Zanzibar to tell her friends about Jesus. She is a very young lady and really needs help. I am planning to meet with Bishop Abdulaziz tomorrow, and on Thursday I will be
on my way to Mbeya. So IF there are any funds available to help our sister Grace, could you send that gift tomorrow as this will make it easier for me to assist her. Could you also include funds for literatures for Joseph and other brethren in missions, AS THE LORD PROVIDES! God bless you. Your sons, Pastors Philip & Kissa Mahali 27th Aug 2012, Zanzibar via Dar es Salem,
Tanzania My Spiritual Mother & Father, I am Grace
Kalaghe, I got saved last year after receiving your tracts through Germany preacher named Kutz, when he came in my home place (Zanzibar Island). After I got saved my family rejected me and I moved from Zanzibar to Dar-Es-Salaam and I am living now with a Christian lady who is encouraging and teaching me about Christian faith. My parents, it was Kutz who gave me your
contacts and those of Pastor Philip, but I misplaced them. I thank God that today I have seen your contacts in one of my religion books. Where is Kutz? Because I have decided to follow Jesus and I can see God calling me in his ministry. Would you please help me go to bible school? Would you please help me to get a copy of Swahili bible? Can I get Swahili tracts and to give my friends. Can I hear from you please? Grace Kalaghe 23rd Aug 2012, Dar as Salem, Tanzania
My Mom & Dad, I
salute you in Jesus name our Saviour. I hope both you are fine! Thank you for forwarding the email which came from BISHOP ABDULFADHIL MINTANGA here in Tanzania. I do not know anything about this man, but what I do know is that Abdulfadhil is an Islamic name. But next week I am going to Dar-Es-Salaam to meet with my doctor again for check-up to see the development of my eyes, so my advice is that you to ask this man to give you his phone number for me so that I can contact him and meet with him and see what he is doing and send to you all the truth. If he is a good man he will be willing/ready to meet with me, but if not he will run away. I will be in Dar-Es-Salaam for two days, but before going could you please remember Joseph and his team with literatures tomorrow, Thursday? There are also some brothers in Zambia who need literatures. All I can say is; as the Lord provides. God bless you my brother. Pastors Phillip & Kissa Mahali 22nd Aug 2012, Somalia
Servants of God, Danny & Terri Maher, I
again received literatures on Saturday last week. Thank you brothers and we really still need your help concerning literature because we have a great work to do here in Islamic/Arab countries. So much literature is needed. We appreciate your work/effort for us and please don’t forget us. All thanks again to you, Terri, Philip and all the brothers who supporting your visions! Stay in peace. Joseph Mujahidin
20th Aug 2012, Dar es Salem, Tanzania
Hello, my name is
Abdulfadhil Mintanga from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I have a Christian Mission that I am working for, but I really need to go to bible school and learn more about God, so that I can do more to encourage more people and teach more things to them about God. I even have facebook page that i work from : Regards, Bishop
Abdulfadhil Mintanga 9th Aug 2012, Somalia
My brethren, I am taking this chance to greet
you and also to remind and asking you about literatures (tracts + bible studies).This is a time when literature is needed a lot. We are praying to the Lord that he may provides you to help and send to us for literature again, although I know that there are a lot of people who need your assistance. But remember Muslim/Arab countries need gospel. Be blessed. Joseph Mujahidin 9th Aug 2012, Zanzibar
My Mom & Dad, I
am greeting you in Jesus name our Saviour. I am really missing you my brother and I do know when and where we can meet but God knows. I, my family and all the church are fine, but I want also to remind you about tracts on Thursday (tomorrow) for Joseph and other brothers. LASTRLY, SADLY, I heard bad news from John's Mark’s son, he IS NOW BLIND IN FOR BOTH EYES. It was about more than six month ago they went in Zanzibar (Muslim country) to preach with tracts. They were taken and beaten and had poisons put in their eyes. So if you can help also with a small amount it will be good. God bless you my brother for what you are doing for us. Regards, Pastors Philip & Kissa Mahali 1st Aug 2012, Somalia
I am received again
literatures last week from my pastor Philip, and we have seen God in our missions because many, many people got saved. We have started here in Somalia for two months, then Ethiopia for two months, then Sudan for two months, Next year we will ask you again to continue to send and help us with more literature for the Arab world. As a team we were all Muslims we know each and everything about muslin religion, and really they know nothing about Jesus. CAN WE GET ALSO HOLLY BIBLES for them? Be blessed. Joseph Mujahidin |
Last Updated on Sunday, 02 September 2012 04:20 |